Autism Clinical Interview for Adults version 3 update course for people already trained on version 2

This course is suitable for people who were trained in the Autism Clinical Interview for Adults (ACIA) version 2 during 2021-2023. Please do not register for this course if you have not been trained on the ACIA previously - please register for one of the 2 hour version 3 training courses.

This one hour course will train people to use the new sections of the ACIA. These include: the summary score form focusing on items that relate to DSM-5 and ICD-11 autism spectrum classification; observed autism spectrum characteristics; sections focused on diagnostic formulation. There will be opportunities to ask questions about version 3, and general questions about the ACIA and its use. Following the course, delegates will be sent the updated ACIA version 3 materials for printing.

For more information on this course, please contact or enquire here

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